RE-AL Ltd - Delivery terms
Prices In Swiss francs, per piece. Excluding: taxes, packing, transport costs, insurance, ex Biel. As per our catalogue prices. Special quotations are valid for 3 months.
Delivery From stock or, for tools not available from stock, following quotation or order confirmation. Cancellations of orders due to late deliveries will not be accepted, neither any penalty claim from the side of the customer.
Payment 30 days net, without any deduction of discounts and bank charges.
Reserve All rights reserved as to price alterations and technical changes. RE-AL Ltd. retains all right of possession of the material supplied until receipt of all remaining payments.
Complaints To be made within 10 days from date of invoice. Faulty tools will be replaced or credited and do not give any right for damages. We do not take any responsibility neither any guarantee on our tools modified by third persons.
Special and custom production The minimum order quantity for special tools is 2 pieces. oFurthermore, it is understood that slight over- or under-delivery of the ordered quantity may occur and is considered agreed:
- 2 up to 10 pieces = 1 piece - 11 up to 20 = 2 pieces - 21 up to 30 = 3 pieces - More than 30 pieces = 10 %
Internet access and account management We do not take any responsibility for account management and security inherent to our website or e-shop.
Place or arbitration Biel, Switzerland